Terms and Condition

Before using the Homefairbd.com please read all the policies and conditions.


General Terms:

Before using the Homefairbd.com users agree that they are using the site in accordance with all state laws and knowing all the rules of the website. All information, content, images, videos or graphics provided by users are in accordance with the laws and conditions of Homefairbd.com. No Information provided by users violates the rights of any person or entity. Homefairbd.com is not responsible for any false, unlawful, anti state or wrong information provided by the users. Homefairbd.com is completely free from all the obligations, liabilities and demands arising due to the acceptance of this service.

Security and Communications:

Homefairbd.com uses cookies and must have cookies enabled on your computer to work well. Homefairbd.com reserves the right to save advertiser IP address and proper information. If any content violates the current law then it has the right to cooperate with the appropriate authorities. Homefairbd.com can use this information for site development, research, product marketing, product development. Homefairbd.com can change or remove advertiser's ads or use titles and images incompatible or violation of rules. All pictures are upload with Homefairbd.com logo, that’s why this picture is not used for any other purposes without advertiser's permission. Without written permission of Homefairbd.com, no content of the website can be used, published, transferred, saved or exchanged. Otherwise Homefairbd.com can take any legal action at any time. Advertisers must have an active email address and mobile number for post ads, where customers can communicate with advertiser by mail via Homefairbd.com or can talk directly with the seller via mobile number. The responsibility of any link on the 3rd party used on the website is completely advertiser and user. Whenever the users enter those links Homefairbd.com is completely free from all its liabilities.


There are two types of memberships Regular and Premium at Homefairbd.com. Regular members can enjoy a specific package free of charge until a particular time and Premium members can get services by paying monthly service charges according to the packages. Premium Members will get a web page url/ Shop from Homefairbd.com where their all the data, product descriptions or services are mentioned. Homefairbd.com reserves the right to change the prices of packages, maintain, modify, correction or cancel both of membership. If any person deals with 3rd person without the specified payment method of Homefairbd.com then the liability is his own. Homefairbd.com will not take responsibility for this.


Homefairbd.com reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. You have the full responsibility to review and comply with the terms and policies. The homefairbd.com site is provided when it is as such. Homefairbd.com is free from all the problems, damages and liabilities arising due to the use of the site. Homefairbd.com is not responsible for any type of technical problem in using the site. Your continuous use ensures that you are complying with all the terms and conditions of Homefairbd.com